
Pharmacists in the Public Sphere

UNAIR NEWS – The Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR held the 101th oath-taking ceremony on Monday (29/3). As many as 13 new pharmacists were inaugurated and sworn in the 301 room, Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR. The occasion was witnessed by the Head of the National Pharmacy Committee (KFN) Drs. Purwadi, Apt., MM., ME., the leadership of UNAIR represented by the Vice-Rector I, Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., PhD, SpPD, K-GH, FINASIM, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Umi Athiyah, MS., Apt., Vice-Dean I of the Faculty of Pharmacy, as well as the Head of the Central Committee of the Indonesia Association of Pharmacists (PP IAI) represented by the Secretary-General Dra. Mayagustina Andarini, Apt., M.Sc., various related institutions, and the families of the new pharmacists.

Opening the ceremony, the Dean Dr. Umi Athiyah, MS., Apt., conveyed the importance of the pharmacists’ swearing-in. Besides being the proof of completing professional study, pharmacists are expected to take a greater role in the society.

“By this oath, these new pharmacists are enabled to perform apothecary practices, after which they can join in and contribute for the development of healthcare in the society,” she said.

In accordance with the Dean’s statement, the Vice-Dean I Dr. Riesta Primaharinastiti, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. said that in its 53th year, pharmacists graduating from UNAIR have a distinct challenge. Therefore, it is important for them to raise the awareness of the profession in the society.

“The presence of the apothecary profession in the society can be manifested through interprofessional collaboration with other health professions in providing solutions of public health problems and to guarantee the precision and effectivity of drug usage as therapeutic measures according to the therapy’s objectives,” she added.

She also added that the challenges in the industry are no less great. Pharmacists are expected to increase their self-reliance in producing materials needed for drug production process, decresasing the import dependency from other countries. Furthermore, with the challenge posed by the AEC, pharmacists should show their strategic role in the national healthcare system.

“In 2017, we have planned to conduct Indonesian Pharmacist Competence Test (UKAI) as a quality measure to guarantee that graduating pharmacists satisfy the standards,” she concluded.

Source: with revisions