
Prof. Dr. Sugijanto, MS.,Apt




Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University.


Apothecary, Apt., Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University


Magister Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Indonesia.


Doctoral Degree, Mathematical & Natural Science, Airlangga University, Indonesia.



Analytical chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Impact Analysis, Halal Assurance System and Halal Certification.

Research Interests

• Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Analytical Chemistry
• Phytoremediation/Bioremediation
• Halal production process, Halal Assurance System and Halal Certification
• Current research of our group explores biological active substance derived from marine organism and the use of fishery waste


Selected Publications

  1. Sugijanto, Koeswadji H., Mukono J., HKoessadji H.H., 1991. Analisis Kadar Merkuri dan Kadmium dalam Beberapa Hewan Laut di Muara Sungai Kalimas (Journal PSL Perguruan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia, ISSN 0216-2717, vol. 11 No.3, 1991).,5&cluster=16100935003833159581

  2. Sugijanto, Suprihatin, Noor Erma N , 2010. Analisis Pestisida Karbaril dengan metode KLT-Densitometri dalam matriks Kedelai dan validasi metodenya. Berkala Penelitian Hayati, ISSN 0852-6834, Vol 15, No.2, 159-162, (Nasional Terakreditasi).

  3. Sugijanto, Puspasari F, Herlina, Indrayanto G. 1998. The Influence of Copper and Cobalt Ions on The Growth Index and Solasodine Accumulation in Shoot Cultures of Solanum laciniatum Ait., Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 1998.

  4. Sugijanto Kartosentono, Ana Nuraida, Gunawan Indrayanto, Noor Cholies Zaini, 2001. Phytoremediation of Sr2+ and its influence on the growth, Ca2+ and solasodine content of shoot cultures of Solanum laciniatum. Biotechnol. Lett. 23: 153-155.(Autor)

  5. Sugijanto Kartosentono, Gunawan Indrayanto, Noor Cholies Zaini, 2002. The uptake of copper ions by cell suspension cultures of Agave amaniensis, and its effect on the growth, amino acids and hecogenin content. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 68: 287-292.(Autor)

  6. Sugijanto Kartosentono, Sinar Suryawati, Gunawan Indrayanto, Noor Cholies Zaini, 2002. Accumulation of Cd2+ and Pb2+ in the suspension cultures of Agave amaniensis and Costus speciosus and the determination of the culture’s growth and phytosteroid content. Biotechnol. Lett. 24: 687-690. (Autor).

  7. Sugijanto Kartosentono, Sinar Suryawati, Achmad Syahrani, Gunawan Indrayanto, Noor Cholies Zaini, 2002. Fitoremediasi Pb2+ serta pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan hekogenin kultur suspensi sel Agave amaniensis, Bull. Soc. Nat. Prod. Chem. (Indonesia), 2 (1): 20-25. (Autor)

  8. Indasah, Arbai A., Sugijanto, Soegianto A. 2011. CITRIC ACID REDUCES THE CONTENT OF Pb AND Cd OF KUPANG BERAS (Corbula Faba). Folia Medica Indonesiana 47 (1), 46-51.

  9. Nugraharani P., Prasetyawati ET, Sugijanto, Purnobasuki P., Ornamental shrubs as plant palettes elements and bioindicators based on air pollution tolerance index in Surabaya city, Indonesia

  10. Muisristanto D., Poernomo AT., Sugijanto. 2015. Isolasi dan Penapisan Fibrinolitik Jamur Tanah Hutan Mangrove Wonorejo. Berkala Ilmiah Kimia Farmasi, Vol.4 No. 2 November 2015, Surabaya, 11-17.

  11. Pulungan IR, Sugijanto Kartosentono, Prawita A. 2018. Gas Chromatography-FID Method for analysis of Ethanol content in Vinegar.;

  12. Astrid Kusuma Putri, Sugijanto Kartosentono, Noor Erma Nasution Sugijanto, 2019. Isolation of Glucosamine HCl from Scylla paramamosain and determination by HPLC. Jurnal Teknologi, Accepted for publication, September 2019.

  13. Dyan Maulani, Kholies Amalia Nofianti, Noor Erma Nasution Sugijanto, Sugijanto, 2020. Biosorption of Heavy Metals Cu, Cd and Pb by Chitosan and Powder from Simping Shells (Placuna placenta), 2020. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Accepted for publication, 2020





  1. Proses produksi kitosan dari limbah cangkang kerang lorjuk ( Solen vaginalis), 2018. (Sugijanto, Noor Erma Nasution Sugijanto, Deva Gita Cahyanti), Paten Indonesia, No P 00201810775.
  2. Proses produksi kitosan dari limbah cangkang kerang simping (Placuna placenta),2018 . (Sugijanto, Noor Erma Nasution Sugijanto,Rif”atul Izza Eldysari), Paten Indonesia, No P 00201810772.



Prof. Dr. Sugijanto, MS.,Apt


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