Project Roadmap

Our roadmap follows priorities of 2035 projects. Within the next 15 years, INACORE will maintain as the leading center of excellence for pharmacy practice research in Indonesia. INACORE contributions span over scientific, communities and professional fields

We are in INACORE have been involved in a myriad of research projects since the inception of the Department of Pharmacy Practice in 2001. There are examples of several influential researches has been or currently being conducted

Past and Current Projects

Herbal Medicine Use

Investigation of public use on traditional and herbal medicines (2018). The project was funded by Higher Education Directorate General. Principal investigator: Hanni Prihastuti P, PhD.

Survey of Pharmacy Contribution and Excellence

SURPHACE (Survey of Pharmacy Contribution and Excellence) project (2018). The project was funded by AUSAID under Allison Sudradjat Awards. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Indonesian Pharmacist Association. Principal investigator: Andi Hermansyah,…

Pharmacist contributions to health via social media

Pharmacist contributions to health via social media (2018). The project was funded by Universitas Airlangga. Partners for the project implementation were MAFINDO (Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia) and School of Pharmacy Universiti Sains Malaysia. Principal investigator:…