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Innovative Pharmacy Practice and Integrated Outcomes Research Group (INACORE Group) promotes innovative research in pharmacy practice that is applicable and integral to health care system.

Background Story

The changing landscape of health care and pharmacy sector preserves challenges for improving quality of life of Indonesians. This is why INACORE was established. The establishment highlights the paucity of solid research in pharmacy practice that is sustainable and applicable to the context of Indonesia

Research Themes

Here at INACORE, we promote three research themes

Pharmacoepidemiology & Public Health

Core mission – studying population and its pharmaceutical problems in order to identify risk, undertake preventive and promotive measures and optimize surveillance representing critical point of pharmacy system

Health Care System & Policy

Core mission – examining health system and its policy impact to the existing pharmacy structure and acknowledge potentials for pharmacy leverage in the system

Pharmaceutical Management

Core mission – ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals by incorporating pharmaceutical science, managerial and business strategies


Seminar Nasional 2020

The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge updates and sharing of concepts and experiences from stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector related to Technology Innovation and Digitalization in Pharmaceutical Services.


INACORE 2035 Projects

The INACORE 2035 is our effort to continue past significant projects and create potential projects aimed to preserve the vision of INACORE. These are samples of projects proposed in the INACORE 2035 as the following:…


List of some facilities we provide.

What They Say

"Pharmacists and pharmacy as institution have an important role to play in the delivery of primary care in the community"
Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., Ak
Rektor Unair
"Pharmacy is a common point of contact for patients to access medicines and health care advice"
Prof. Dr. Fasich, Apt.
Senior Lecturer
"Pharmacists become medication expert and are a vital member of the health care team"
Prof. Dr. Umi Athiyah, MS., Apt
Dean of Pharmacy