

In addition to using herbal ingredients to clean your face and treat your face, it is also important to take care of your body and nails. According to Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti agil, MS. to maintain and improve the health of hands, feet and nails is actually easy and does not need to be expensive, because the main basis of care is simply to retain moisture.

The health of toenails is often forgotten, even though it is an entry point for infection. The conventional way for foot and nail care is to simply soak 10-15 minutes in warm water mixed with vinegar and antiseptic liquid. In addition, soaking the feet (footbath) can also be done with flower water which has long been a way of relaxation and foot care.

In addition to soaking the feet, we also need to provide a scrub or body scrub on the feet. Scrub can help overcome rough, thickened or even cracked skin due to routine activities, such as exercise and the habit of walking barefoot. A mixture of natural ingredients from oatmeal, coarse salt, and olive oil can be a solution for problems on the feet. The trick, all the ingredients are stirred to form a coarse mixture, then apply on the stiff area while massaging. Leave it for 5-10 minutes. After that, wash with warm water.

Meanwhile, hand scrub or hand scrub is no less important. The ingredients are a mixture of half a cup of granulated sugar, half a cup of Epsom salt, 6 drops of lemon essential oil, and 3 tablespoons of almond oil/olive oil. Mix all ingredients, then put in a clean container with a tight lid. Its use is enough to be smeared on all parts of the hand which is then rubbed. Let stand 15 minutes, then wash with warm water and pat dry. The mixture of these ingredients can help exfoliate dead skin cells, retain moisture, and absorb dirt.

Source: Koran Jawa Pos section "HERBAL" written by Prof. Dr. apt. Mangestuti Agil, MS.