The International Conference on Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICoAPS) 2018 is a scientific forum held as an annual program hosted by Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. This event will be held at 18-19 October 2018 in Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia. It will bring all people who are interested in pharmaceutical sciences-related field. This year, the theme is “International Scientific Conference in Pharmacy and Novel Research”. We are delighted to be involving practitioners and academician, including researchers and students, to enhance mutual exchange of information and integration of pharmaceutical science and technology between local and international experts for global society’s health improvement. Through talks and presentations, ICoAPS 2018 will explore broad interesting themes, which are about six topics of discussion, i.e. (a) natural products, (b) analytical and medicinal chemistry, (c) drug delivery and pharmaceutical technology, (d) bioequivalence and biosimilars, (e) community and clinical pharmacy, (f) drug regulatory affairs.
The venue of ICoAPS 2018 is Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia. With the symbol of ”Sura” (Shark) and ”Baya” (Crocodile) facing and circling each other, Surabaya has spirit of bravely facing danger, taking it in an important part of history during Indonesia national revolution. There are also many natural and cultural attractions with delicate cuisines in surrounding areas, thus making Surabaya is worth visiting.
We would like to invite you to join us on ICoAPS 2018. Through your participation, there will be big opportunities to meet new people and the experts, share ideas, and may be start new work or research collaboration for improving global health. We are looking forward to see you in Surabaya.