The education sector is one of the sectors that has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including Pharmacy Education. Facuty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga Indonesia will organize an International Conference with title
Strategy of Faculty of Pharmacy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: Overview and Strategy from Several Countries.
This conference also welcomes you to invite your colleagues and students to participate. We also invite researchers, academics, and students to present e-poster with some topics.
We look forward to see you during the conference.
Thursday, 15th October 2020
12.30 – 5 pm (GMT+7)

Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, S.Si, M.Kes., Ph.D.
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga

Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si.
Vice Rector 1 or Vice Rector in Academic and Students Affair, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Dr. Vivienne Mak
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Education, Monash University, Australia

Professor Helen McCarthy
School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University of Belfast

Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, Ph.D
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Thailand
Participants are kindly requested to register no later than 12 October 2020 at 1 pm (GMT+7). You can register here.
Abstract Submission
E-poster presenters are kindly requested to submit their abstract no later than 12 October 2020 at 1 pm (GMT+7).
Accepted Abstract
Notifications of acceptance will be sent to presenting authors by email on the 14 October 2020. The instruction details for e-poster presentation will be included with this correspondence.
E-poster Presentation
All presenters can check their presentation schedules and session code on the Conference website prior to the Conference (14 October 2020).
Conference Day
Time |
Program |
15 October 2020 |
12.30 – 1 PM |
Registration |
apt. Dinda Monika N.R., M.Pharm.Klin. |
1 – 1.10 PM |
Speech by Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga: Prof.apt. Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., M.Kes, Ph.D |
1.10 – 1.50 PM |
Speech by Vice Rector 1 or Vice Rector in Academic and Students Affair of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia: Prof Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si |
apt. Elida Zairina, MPH., Ph.D. |
1.50 – 2.20 PM |
Speech by Academic member of Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Education, Monash University, Australia: Dr. Vivienne Mak |
2.20 – 2.40 PM |
Discussion and Q&A |
2.40 – 3.10 PM |
Speech by Academic member of School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK: Professor Helen Mc Carthy |
apt. Andi Hermansyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. |
3.10 – 3.40 PM |
Speech by Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University, Thailand: Assoc.Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, Ph.D |
3.40 – 4 PM |
Discussion and Q&A |
Time |
Program |
PIC/Speakers |
4 – 4.45 PM |
e-poster presentations (5 panel rooms/ break room) |
Panel 1: Pharmacy Education topic |
apt. Elida Zairina, MPH., Ph.D |
Panel 2: Clinical Pharmacy topic |
apt. Dinda Monika N.R., M.Farm.Klin. |
Panel 3: Pharmaceutical Sciences topic |
apt. Melanny Ika S., M.Sc., Ph.D |
Panel 4: Drug Development Related to Covid-19 Research topic |
apt. Kholis Amalia N., M.Sc., |
Panel 5: Other topics related to Pharmacy |
apt. Gesnita, N., M.Sc. |
16.45 – 17.00 WIB |
Closing and Appreciations |
apt. Dinda Monika N.R., M.Pharm.Klin. |
E-poster presentation will be announced later.
There will be best presenter on each topic and will be announced at the end of the conference.
Abstract & E-poster
- The template of abstract can be downloaded here: click for download abstract template
- Abstract can be upload directly to the registration link or can be sent to the Secretariat email:
• Please Select one of the 5 topic discussion below:
1. Pharmacy Education
2. Pharmaceutical Sciences
3. Drug Development Related to Covid-19 Research
4. Clinical Pharmacy
5. Other Topics related to Pharmacy
• Please select one of 3 templates of e-poster below to present your presentation.
Click here for download template 1
Click here for download template 2
Click here for download template 3
• Your poster presentation duration should be max. 5 minutes (3 min. presentation and 2 min. QnA).
• E-POSTER FILE: PPT (wide screen 16:9), font size min. 35
Click link below for download poster presentation schedule.
Download Presentation Schedule
Advisor : Prof. apt. Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., M.Kes, Ph.D.
Steering Committee : apt. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Person In Charge : apt. Melanny Ika Sulistyowaty, S.Farm., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Secretariat :
apt. Diajeng Putri Paramita, S.Farm., M.Si.
apt. Kholis Amalia N, S.Farm., M.Sc.
Vivi Andriyani, S.Si.
Event :
apt. Gesnita Nugraheni, S.Farm., M.Sc.
apt. Andi Hermansyah, S.Farm., M.Sc., Ph.D.
apt. Dinda Monika NR, S.Farm., M.Farm.Klin.
Scientific :
apt. Elida Zairina, MPH. Ph.D.
apt. Arie Sulistyarini, S.Si., M.Pharm.
IT :
Deddy Dwi Sutanto, S.Si.
M. Fuad Sofyan
Arie Setyawan
Susmiandri, S.Kom.
Treasury :
apt. Ana Yuda, S.Si., M.Farm.
Anik Pujiati, SE.
Danny Zulkarnain L.
Should you have any inquiries or need further help, kindly contact our secretariat Ms. Diajeng Putri Paramita ( to assist you.