
Sharing with Alumni by Ray Muhammad

The path to top positions in companies is long, full of struggle, and anything but instantenous," said Mr. Ray Muhammad, S.Si., Apt., an alumnus of FF UNAIR currently working as the Site Director of PT. GlaxoSmithKline Indonesia. Mr. Ray shared his experiences with students on the Sharing with Alumni event on 13 July 2017.

Held in Ruang Kelas 2.1. Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga, this month's Sharing with Alumni provided opportunities for students of bachelor and professional apothecary programs in FF UNAIR to give and share knowledge and experiences in the industrial pharmacy field. One of the fundamental discussion topics is advices for success, such as preserverance and hard work.

"Being a pharmacist does not only involve quantitative aspects of manufactured products; it also involves decision-making throughout the whole process," Mr. Ray said to students during the event.